Hey You, Washingtonian! Part 3

8 02 2008

Tomorrow is caucus day here in the great state of Washington. I must make sure that everyone who is a democrat or whats to vote for either Clinton or Obama must, must caucus and not vote in the mail in primary. If you do the mail in ballot it will not count, since no delegates will be handed out for the primary. All of our 97 democratic delegates are for all the votes in the caucus.

The republicans will spit their delegates between the caucus and the primary. 18 for the caucus and 19 for the votes in the primary. Not so for democrats. So if you want your vote to be counted, go out and caucus.

Remember if you are registered for any party, but you wish to vote for a candidate in another party, it is OK. Go and vote. Just remember that if you vote in the caucus for a democrat you vote in the primary (mail in ballot) for a democrat too. No double dipping. You can’t vote for McCain and Obama. McCain twice, fine. Obama twice, awesome. Both? Not happening.

Washington does it a bit differently, but if you have any questions. Make a comment on my page, call your representative, precinct captain, or your party’s state chair.

Here is a link to find your caucus location:

Democratic Sites– put in your last name and zip code, or if you know your precinct number type that in.

Republican Sites– Clink on the county that you live in and then each county will guide you to your location.

Happy Caucus Going!!!!

Farewell, Mitt Romney

7 02 2008

Mitt Romney “suspended” his presidential campaign this morning, just two days after Super Tuesday. He only won in a few non-competitive states, and delegation wise, got clobbered by John McCain. During his speech he says, “If I forestall a national campaign I would be making it easier for Senators Clinton or Obama to win.”

Mainly he believe that it isn’t good for the Republican party to have debate about who they want to be their nominee. I understand that he says that the bickering between him and McCain would continue and there may be more press on Clinton and Obama, but there already is. Him dropping our really seems to make McCain the Republican nominee. Huckabee wouldn’t be able to catch up with the delegate count. Though I believe he wants to get the VP prize.

Mitt Romney, farewell to the flip-flopper of 2008. Almost as liberal as Ted Kennedy, and yet the conservative candidate. Here to seeing Ann Coulter stumping for the Democrats in the fall.

Mitt Romney’s Bye-Bye Speech:

Super Tuesday Wrap Up- Republican

5 02 2008

* First magic numbers- Republicans need 1,191 delegates to get nomination. Super Tuesday there is 1,020 up for grabs. 15 primaries and 6 caucuses.
* WTA= Winner Take All
* In Order of Delegate CountCalifornia: 173 (MCCAIN)

New York: 101 WTA (MCCAIN)

Georgia: 72 (HUCKABEE)

Illinois: 70 (MCCAIN)

Missouri: 58 WTA (MCCAIN)

Tennessee: 55 (HUCKABEE)

Arizona: 53 WTA (MCCAIN)

New Jersey: 52 WTA (MCCAIN)

Alabama: 48 (HUCKABEE)

Colorado: 46 (ROMNEY)

Massachusetts: 43 (ROMNEY)

Minnesota: 41 (ROMNEY)

Oklahoma: 41 (MCCAIN)

Utah: 36 WTA (ROMNEY)

Arkansas: 34 (HUCKABEE)

Connecticut: 30 WTA (MCCAIN)

Alaska: 29- numbers not out yet

North Dakota: 26 WTA (ROMNEY)

Montana: 25 WTA (ROMNEY)

Delaware: 18 WTA (MCCAIN)

West Virginia: 18 WTA (HUCKABEE)