Surprise Endorsement for Obama

4 02 2008

First lady of California, Maria Shriver, surprised even the event planners and Michelle Obama by coming out to UCLA for an Obama rally yesterday afternoon. She talked mainly to undecided women and using the idea of motherhood and marriage as talking points. She gave a good speech, I think it was more of the aura around the idea of her rather than what she actually said that maid it interesting.

Surprise endorsements like this can do nothing but give momentum to a campaign that has been rushing with it since their win in South Carolina. Of course California is the most highly contested states for the democrats with 370 delegates up for grabs. Obama is gaining in on Clinton there with a new Zogby poll out. Currently 40% to Clinton’s 46%. Though just a few weeks about she had a double digit lead. So will the rally with all the women power get more voters out for Obama? Maybe, but we will have to wait until tomorrow.

Here is Maria Shriver’s speech yesterday at UCLA, Michelle Obama opening up for her.

Here are other videos from the UCLA rally

Caroline Kennedy:

Oprah Winfrey:



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