Romney Wins Maine in Weekend Vote

4 02 2008

Mitt Romney won the Maine caucuses over the weekend. It was a landslide for Romney, (52% over John McCain’s 21%.) however it seems that because of the media attention on the Super Bowl and Super Tuesday, it was lost. Almost like every other Romney win.

So far Romney has captured 18 delegates.

Total Republican Delegation standings going into Super Tuesday is:

  • McCain: 97
  • Romney: 92
  • Huckabee: 29
  • Paul: 6

I have been digging and digging, but no gold for finding a video I can actually embed here. So I leave you with Romney’s statements in the written word. Because we should all read a little bit more.

Part of me would love to tag cloud this statement. How many times do you need to say Washington, when that is the place you wish to visit the most? Okay, so they all say it, whatever. Political semantics.

“Today, the people of Maine joined those from across the nation in casting their vote for conservative change in Washington. All across the state, men and women gathered to help chart the future course of our country. Tonight, they have made their voice known and have endorsed our conservative vision for a stronger America. Like many Americans, the people of Maine are tired of Washington promises made but broken”

“The need for change in Washington is even more apparent today. With our economy facing uncertain times, we need a leader who actually understands how the economy works and how jobs are created. We also need a leader from outside of Washington who is ready to meet the long-term challenges facing our country. With a career spent working in the economy, creating jobs, turning around faltering institutions and imposing fiscal discipline, I am ready to bring conservative change to Washington. In this campaign, I am proud to have the support of the people of Maine.”



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