Super Tuesday Wrap Up- Republican

5 02 2008

* First magic numbers- Republicans need 1,191 delegates to get nomination. Super Tuesday there is 1,020 up for grabs. 15 primaries and 6 caucuses.
* WTA= Winner Take All
* In Order of Delegate CountCalifornia: 173 (MCCAIN)

New York: 101 WTA (MCCAIN)

Georgia: 72 (HUCKABEE)

Illinois: 70 (MCCAIN)

Missouri: 58 WTA (MCCAIN)

Tennessee: 55 (HUCKABEE)

Arizona: 53 WTA (MCCAIN)

New Jersey: 52 WTA (MCCAIN)

Alabama: 48 (HUCKABEE)

Colorado: 46 (ROMNEY)

Massachusetts: 43 (ROMNEY)

Minnesota: 41 (ROMNEY)

Oklahoma: 41 (MCCAIN)

Utah: 36 WTA (ROMNEY)

Arkansas: 34 (HUCKABEE)

Connecticut: 30 WTA (MCCAIN)

Alaska: 29- numbers not out yet

North Dakota: 26 WTA (ROMNEY)

Montana: 25 WTA (ROMNEY)

Delaware: 18 WTA (MCCAIN)

West Virginia: 18 WTA (HUCKABEE)

Super Tuesday Wrap Up- Democrats

5 02 2008

* Magic Numbers, those that we love or the ones that are just really important. 2,025 need for nomination & 1,681 are up for grabs on Super Tuesday. 16 primaries and 7 caucuses.
* Of course they are not winner take all, but I won’t post a delegate count until later. it is safer to wait until all precincts are in and counted.

New York: 232 (CLINTON)

Illinois: 153 (OBAMA)

New Jerseys: 107 (CLINTON)

Massachusetts: 93 (CLINTON)

Georgia: 87 (OBAMA)

Missouri: 72- (OBAMA)

Minnesota: 72 (OBAMA)

Tennessee: 68 (CLINTON)

Colorado: 55 (OBAMA)

Arizona: 56 (CLINTON)

Alabama: 52 (OBAMA)

Connecticut: 48 (OBAMA)

Oklahoma: 38 (CLINTON)

Arkansas: 35 (CLINTON)

Kansas: 32 (OBAMA)

New Mexico: 26 (CLINTON)

Utah: 23 (OBAMA)

Idaho: 18 (OBAMA)

Delaware: 15 (OBAMA)

North Dakota: 13 (OBAMA)

Alaska: 13 (OBAMA)

Democrats that live Abroad: 7

America Samoa: 3 (CLINTON)

Obama won the youth vote, caucus states and states that are republican states. 13 states total, so far.

Clinton won the older vote, the Latino vote and democratic base states. 8 (9, with AS) states, so far.